Sunday, February 9, 2014

favorite pony

I have not posted since November 3, 2012!WOW! I have been taking horseback riding lessons at Bellevue State Park i ride a pony named Rocky he is a bit SPIRITED! When you go out to the field to catch him he turns on you almost like he will kick you. My friends Liz and Lexi told me that he is getting better with it so i hope. My favorite thing to do with him is jumps. He will GO full out when he sees a jump. My instructor, Holly, said " Wow Rocky i just want to go gallop you cross country." I have 1 tip for you if you get cold easily like me you should not ride in the cold unless you have the good gear for that.. I have been FROZEN so i understand what it feels like. My cousin, Joelle rode in the cold with her cold gear on so she was fine.      My next post will be about tips and rules what and what not to do wile riding.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Par Bleu

Par Bleu is my grand mothers(Nana) horse. He is 17  hands tall and 3 inches. They all live in South Carolina. Me and my cousin Joelle ride him but he has been retired from working. He used to be a dressage horse. He  is good when we hose him off in the afternoon at about 4:30-5:00. I sometimes help walk him in. He is about 25 years old.